Thanks Dottie! I didn't "hope" to have a higher score. smile I was just curious about the 2 aberrantly low 11's and how this contributed to the FSIQ.

I haven't considered any special educational options for him until recently. In the past several years we were often surprised by DS when he naturally developed and demonstrated giftedness but our belief has been that he should live a normal life and grow with children at same age. But since school life is near, textbook is so boring, teachers suggesting, and the doctor strongly recommended skip level and special consideration for his education, now we began to think about it. I really have no idea what DYP, (or other similar programs?) really is and how it works and helps. For now all my plan is to have him enter 1st grade in public school next year and hopefully he can be admitted to their T/G program. They use OLSAT. Is it another type of IQ test, or an achievement test?