This semester, I have been working with college developmental English students. While I am never certain about high IQ, I am beginning the understand the difference in high vs low IQ.

These students have no retention. I am explaining concepts that they should know such as plurals and verb tense. In contrast, my daughter learns something once, makes a big deal about it, and the lesson sticks.

I asked them to make a list of new words they learned in class. They all said that they already knew all the words. Then, I ask them to type the apostrophe key and they ask me what that is. They have no clue what they know and what is new.

My daughter and I learn new words every day and look them up and find their origins. We are both fascinated by something new.

I wonder how the students with lower IQs cope. They tell me that they learn, but don't remember things. I wonder what the point is and understand why they are disinterested.