Originally Posted by onthegomom
I think he could use a boost at home in some way to feel more valued or responsible. Maybe it is somethings like letting him use the toaster. We baked cookies tonight and he was proud of himself.
I think it's things like the toaster, exactly. I don't think you need to make things happen specially - just, when he wants to do something you'd normally help with, think about whether he really needs the help, and if not just say cheerfully "go ahead". For DS7 that has in recent months meant getting his own croissant out of the oven (hot enough that he shouldn't touch the hot sides, not hot enough to cause a serious burn if he did), getting the cheese and grater to grate over his own pasta, that kind of thing. I'd trust him with the toaster now (but he's not wild about toast so it hasn't come up) but I wouldn't trust him to toast bread under the grill unsupervised. Coming up next is boiling his own eggs I think. That kind of thing. Get him to do stuff that's actually useful - bring up a son who can do the laundry, cook and clean!

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