Odyssey is a great program. My DS6 did it last year and I co-coached it because they needed someone to do it. they honestly don't get a lot of volunteers so it is tough. It was a decent amount of work but my son really enjoyed it. The kids are the ones coming up with everything which is really cool, you are more the facilitator and coming up with spontaneous practice activities. I wasn't going to do it this year because I just didn't have the time to coach and wanted DS to be on a team that had more of the challenges of building things and contraptions and all that (and less of the drama and acting). So I just found out that there is a team for 3-5th graders that he will be on (he is 6 but skipped a grade so is in 2nd). I assured them that I would not coach, however I would help out. Now I think my DH will help though because it is an all boys team and I think it would be good for him to get involved. Anyhow, it really is a great thing and the kids learn a lot of outside the box thinking, creativity, teamwork, etc. If it is done right, it is well worth it. But I know a lot of people have a lot going on. this year they tried to tell me that my son wouldn't have a team unless I coached and I had to just sit back and say okay because I just couldn't do it. Finally someone else stepped up. I figure I did it once and maybe I will again but can't do it every year with working full time too. Anyhow, feel free to ask any questions or PM me if you want to know more about how it works.