DD8 has been having issues in school since the beginning. One of her main issues has been anxiety. We have taken her to psychologist in the past for help, however she is not currently see anyone.

In 1st grade her teacher questioned if she should have been held back because of her anxiousness and because "she is so little" (Yes, she actually said that can you believe it? She is petite for her age) She was also in Title one and being tutored for reading. She got all A's and in the summer after 1st was tested and placed into the gifted program.

She has always had issues with writing and spelling. Her handwriting is very sloppy and her spelling is horrible.
She is in 4th grade this year. I have tried to talk to her teachers for the past 3 years about her writing and spelling without any luck.
I just met with her teacher this year and it seems I may finally have someone on my side! Her teacher agrees that her spelling and her writing are not where they should be. Last year on one of the standardized spelling tests she tested in the 50% for her class 1/2 of which were inclusion kids who have learning disabilities. She has problems with her sequencing when she writes often getting things out of order. If she is supposed to write a story using her 10 spelling words her story will be 3 pages long (as opposed to all the other kids 1 page) but it is very hard to read because it is 1)messy 2)tons of misspelled words 3)out of order

Here are some of her issues:
-Often misspells words she already knows. Example: "ower" instead of "our" when I point those words out she just gets an embarrassed look on her face and fixes it.
-When writing a word multiple times in a paragraph she will spell it multiple ways.
-Hates reading (this really bothers me) however can read at her grade level. She has never been in the top reading group in her class.
-Has problems tying her shoes...just this year she has finally been able to tie them however it still takes her a long time and they always come undone
-Has problems organizing herself. She will start one task (like going upstairs to brush her teeth) and get distracted along the way
-One of the sentences I find myself most saying to her is "What are you SUPPOSED to be doing right now?"
-Always has had problems sleeping thru the night.
-Seems like her physical abilities do not match up with her mental ones. She has often gotten frustrated cause she has this grand idea to create something and can't make it happen.
-Complains of being bored in school

-VERY creative! Once she gets it into her head to make something (craft) she can spend hours on it.
-Very verbal. Talks like an adult sometimes
-Loves to make up stories just can't get the story in her head out on paper very well and would prefer it if she had a secretary lol
-Perfectionist and a very well behaved student.

Although she is doing well overall in school her work isn't really very advanced in any subject. I just have this feeling in my gut that something is not right. I am worried cause she
seems to be starting to give up on herself as far as handwriting and spelling.."Oh well I am just a bad speller"

Does anyone have any ideas?