I just wanted to throw out there that now that you're having a meeting with the principal -- i.e., you've moved up the chain of command -- I think you should focus on speaking to the principal in your meeting (even though the teacher will be there). Yes, it is important for the teacher to be on board since she has the direct connection to your DS, but a good principal should make a decision and then make sure his/her teachers follow through. I know that each time we've made a change to our children's curricula, sometimes with teacher skepticism, the principal has advised us to come first to him with any and all concerns or questions so that he can approach the teacher from a professional perspecitve. I'm thinking that you should particularly be addressing the principal since it was he/she who promised you in advance that they would address his specific needs.

Last edited by mnmom23; 11/07/10 02:30 PM.

She thought she could, so she did.