Hi there,

I do not want to HS - I am soooo scared! - but I clearly have no choice right now. My five year-old is in a public K/1 class and is having a horrible time. He fidgets, will not stay on task. I have known he is bright, but now see that he is very accelerated in math and reading. His teacher is defensive and will not even share lesson plans with me, and recently reprimanded both my son and me for his "moving ahead too fast".

I am trying to learn all I can about homeschooling, but am completely overwhelmed. Can anyone here point me in the right direction? I am looking for a step-by-step guide for CA. I think I know that my son learns well when he sees purpose in the activity - artificial (rewards like computer time) or intrinsic (baked bread he has measure the ingredients for). He is a wonderful, chaotic, loving kid who has more energy than any classroom can handle. He is interested in learning via adult tools, and will not complete the Kindergarten homework assigned if he sees no point.

Any advice. Any! Thank you sooooo much for this forum.