My child was tested in the process of a grade skip. She was 12y5m at the time of testing.

VCI 116
PRI 127
WMI 116
PSI 133
FSIQ 130

Most gifted kids are weak in PSI, and strong in VCI. My child is the opposite.

Block 14
Similarities 12
Digit Span 13
Picture 13
Coding 17
Vocab 15
L-N Seq 13
Matrix 16
Comprehension 12
Symbol 15

She was also given the WJA-III on the same day.
Letter-Word 115
Reading Fluency 138
Passage Comp 121
Broad Reading 132

Calculation 117
Math Fluency 125
Applied Prob 117
Math Calc 123
Broad Math 124

Spelling 131
Writing Fluency 135
Writing Samples 118
Written Expression 132
Broad Written Lang 136

Academic Skills 128
Academic Fluency 139
Total Academic 136

My side of the family has a history of struggling to learn to read (even though we are all fairly bright). My dad, myself and my brother are now avid readers, but have a much larger reading vocabulary than a spoken vocabulary due to not knowing how to pronounce the words we know. None of us can help the little kids in our families with their phonics homework. It is Greek to us. Our spelling goes from below average to very poor. I was LD for reading/spelling in elementary, but was "gifted" by high school but still had poor spelling.

I guess I am just worried about her.
I know she is smart, and she is still making straight A's after the grade skip, it is just that I worry she has a deficit that might hinder her as the courses get more challenging in high school and college.
She too is an avid reader, and she had an easier time of it than I, but her pronunciation skills don't seem to be as strong as her other bright friends. On the plus side, her spelling is much better than mine at her age. We are both poor at associating names/faces. She is taking high school algebra right now, but still doesn't know all her time tables by heart despite concerted effort.

Any thoughts on the unusual scores of my beloved odd-ball?