Okay, so I have an update and am really livid with this teacher at this point. Dd's grades last quarter (which just ended) were primarily A+s. She got 100% on all but three assignments. She still had As on all of the non-100% assignments. I, honestly, can't remember a time ever in her school career when she got below an A on any writing or language arts assignment.

Post my conversation with dd's lit teacher, her first writing grade for this quarter is posted on the website where parents can access grades. She got a 75%. Her semester grade is now a B and she has a C for this quarter. I realize that it is early in the quarter and she can easily bring this grade up if the teacher's subjective opinion of her work quality isn't now that she deserves lower grades b/c she was getting As with little work.

I spoke with the another parent whose child is in the same class and who had virtually the same conversation with this teacher at conferences. Her child got an even worse grade than mine on this past writing assignment. I believe that this other child, too, had an A last quarter.

I don't know -- maybe the whole class did poorly on this one assignment, maybe dd had an off day. However, it looks highly suspicious given the timing. I have left a msg for the GT coordinator. Beyond discussing my concerns with her, any thoughts?