Tks for the suggestions and comments

Grinity, I wish school in the longer term could be tenable, but it isn't. It's the daily grinding down of my son's fervour for learning (and plain old zest for life) that convinces me. But yes - these are the very same thoughts that course through my mind. What if the friendship lasts a lifetime? You could be right about the parents. They're both doctors and rather introverted even for DH and I, and we're pretty introverted ourselves!

With that in mind, I think Kriston is right. I probably worry too much. For sure, I'll have to keep working on the parents. We made some small headway (it had to happen right after I posted) and I'm sure things will probably come along. DS has a bunch of "PE" friends, ie, people to play tag with, but no-one he'd clamour to meet up specially with.

On a separate note, it's always nice to hear how great the homeschoolers are doing and how things *need time* to fall into place. Tks for the encouragement!