You have beautiful children, La Texican. Your son was so strong as a baby. Is that him in the third picture holding your daughter - he looks like such a proud big brother now.

I need to dig out pictures of my daughter from when she was a baby now. She was such a happy baby - she hardly ever stopped smiling. And she started posing for the camera from about 3 months old, if I remember correctly. Somehow, she figured out we were taking pictures of her. In those few times that she was ever upset, she would be screaming like crazy, and we would pull out the camera. She would stop look at the camera, give a huge smile and wait for it to click. Once we were done taking photos, she would start screaming at us again.

We figured this out because we wanted to take a picture to prove to people that she could actually get upset. Nobody ever believed us. We never did get a picture of her being upset. - An autism and psychology discussion forum.