Originally Posted by NanRos
Piper'sMom, We also have an IEP in place for our son with autism which includes accommodations for that, plus it includes the gifted educational plan. The school put everything together in one plan. His giftedness does not affect his need for accommodations for his autism. Your school should be the same: just because your child is gifted, your child still needs help with the issues around CF and the ASD. Do what you are doing and make sure the school doesn't blow you off because your child is gifted!!

Good Luck with your meeting! Nan

Thank you, Nan. I have no intention of letting them blow me off. I already had somewhat of a reputation as being one of "those" parents because of the pushing I had to do for her to be tested for TAG to begin with. It's a new principal this year though, which makes me slightly more hopeful. She seems more personable and receptive than our old one. I'll update after the meeting on Monday.
