A few months ago I had the same question. I have requested an evaluation with the Drs. Eide in Edmonds, Washington. After reading their book, The Mislabeled Child, I felt that it would be worth the cost to travel across the country (we are in Georgia). Their website is very informative. I do not know how to post a link but if you google "Eide Neurolearning" it should come up. They are MDs, not psychologist, but the do offer a "Neuropsychological Assesment" and will review previous IQ tests and psychological assessments.
We are waiting to find out our appointment time as they are only scheduling in 2-3 month blocks. Their daughter has been diagnosed with cancer and they have to travel for her treatments. I sent in my paperwork two weeks ago was told that the appointment would be this Winter.
Thank you for the suggestion. I have that book and actually considered contacting them as well. My concern was that there would be a long waiting list. That's terrible about their daughter. I had no idea. I hope you get in there soon.