Blob, I read the book Overcomming Dyslexia, which explains that people who are dyslexic are right brain dominite with ability to be a genius in one or more areas of functioning. Language skill are processed through the left hemisphere of the brain, unless you are dyslexic then language is being processed through the right hemisphere of the brain. People with dyslexia process information utilizing their amazing visual spacial skills to overcome diffucuilty with sequencial information like language and numbers (phonological deficit). They develop unique compensatory skills like visualing the whole word as a picture. Or doing the math in their head utilizing their high visuial spacial abilities. They think in pictures, like a movie they visualize what is being said. They can utilize their brain to rotate a image just like a computer. As you said your son did. I found that if I thought of creative ways to process information through the right hemisphere of the brain to learn information or skills like fine motor skills. I could address the difficuilty, in the way he was learning at a genius level. By utilizing his artistic ability to develop his fine motor skills. Painting, carving, sculpting, cutting out letters and shapes, weaving, he collected rocks. So I bought him a rock tumbler and kit to make and design jewelery. He learned to opperated the backhoe profeciently. To weld. Woodworking with tools. The goal would be to do alot of things to wire up the brain by creating synaptic conections.(It also provide him with high self esteme) In the book Enriching the Brain by Eric Jensen, it states that a enriched enviorment raises IQ. You said you want to improve his academic functioning on tests. It sounds like you have great services to meet your son needs. Don't know if anything I have to share would help for you. It sounded like it might. I am in similar shoes. Sorry didn't give enough info. to make sence of tracing monsters in eariler post. I was excited to hear how you son takes picture of word and reads it back to his self. He is quite amazing child! Wishing you the best!