I'm with Tracyqns on this one. We took my son for a free math evaluation at Kumon a couple years ago, thinking it might be a good thing for him. We were wrong.

I looked around the room while DS was taking the tests and then spoke to the tester afterward. I got the strong impression that Kumon is about rote memorization and increasing scores on standardized tests. All the kids were doing worksheets full of the same problems, over and over and over again. The tester told me that you couldn't move up a level until you'd got 100% on a test (possibly in a certain time or less). She also told me that my DS7, who was learning fifth grade math, had a lot to learn about multiplication facts at the 3rd grade level. sick

I didn't see anything requiring problem-solving or creativity. It was a big turnoff for me, as I was looking for a problem solving course. I suppose it could be a good environment if learning math facts is your goal.


Last edited by Val; 09/25/10 11:16 AM. Reason: Clarity