my son's official iep is on monday. he is being early admitted to kindy. he is also getting gifted services 90 minutes a week. he will get 2 40 minute pull out sessions with academic peers. the kids in that group are really the group will really be focused around my son. the coordinator will design the group around him, move on when he gets it....etc. but will have older kids in the group only to provide academic peers. he will also get 10 minutes of consultation in class on another day.....and in class accommodations including compacted and enhanced assignments in reading, writing, and math.

this is what is in the iep "draft." all of it is changeable. i can make suggestions. i think it looks amazing especially since in the beginning they said he wasn't gifted and would not service him. lol. short story is they were wrong, they discovered he is gifted, they are AMAZED by him, and are actually excited to service him. i just want to make sure i am not missing anything before his meeting.

i am COMPLETELY grateful and amazed by what they have offered....but does any one have any suggestions, recommendations, or questions i should be asking?