smile Hi, take this as some gentle and kind words:

You're ok. Do you think you're being too hard on yourself? There will be plenty of time to make mistakes later. Haha, just kidding.

Anyways, you are being too hard on yourself.

I'm just going to say it, unless there is some special circumstance:

You don't want to put your 2 year old in preschool. Keep your child with you. Your child wants to be with you. Lots of kids still have separation anxiety for a bit between 3, 6, or even some at age 7.

Read. Doodle. Talk to her, tell her what you're doing. Cleaning, cooking, organizing. Ask questions, then answer it yourself. Talk to her and listen attentively when she "talks" back to you. Smile.

This is really the best time. Go to the library, park, point out things and talk about it.

smile Just enjoy it. There will be plenty of time to worry about grade skipping and accelerating when she's 4.5 and what to do with K, etc.

You are good enough. You are. Believe it yourself. Actually while she is still this young, work on your own-self. Learn to be ok with your mistakes and not be perfect. Love yourself. So that as your dear child grows up can learn to love herself and accept herself too. Mistakes and all. smile

Best wishes!!

ps. You might be doing all these things already, so sorry if I'm nagging.

p.p.s. I might have said too much but I won't delete it. Just go do stuff smile Have fun. No worries yet. You might visit a psychologist who specializaes in gifted children so that person can help "you" what things to help your child with, etc etc. Ok, I'll shut up now. smile

Last edited by jesse; 08/31/10 04:48 PM. Reason: clarity?