Do you think your daughter needs more services right now?

Are you happy with the OT? Is she showing improvement?

If she was to receive another diagnosis, what accommodations could the school provide? Can your OT make some recommendations to the school? Is the school aware of the SPD?

Does your child connect well socially to other PG kids?

My dd is 8 and also has SPD/vestibular issues. Her school tried to peg her as aspie when she was a new 1st grader and bored to tears. In our case, we decided that the neuropsych, ped, and OT all saying no to autism was more compelling than the school's theories. DD's issues have lessened with her growing comfort in school. OT and physical activity help a lot.

I don't mean to belittle aspergers/autism,nos-pdd, but I think if you go to enough specialists, anyone unique can eventually get a autism-like diagnosis. I'm not sure that diagnosis is going to helpful to all people. Then again, if your gut is saying investigate more, then by all means go for it.

Warning: sleep deprived