DD (8 tomorrow!) is PG and we had no sweet clue until just this year. She had no interest in doing anything 'work' related (seat work, colouring, drawing, writing, etc.) and she still doesn't. Her verbal skills are out of this world, though. She was very late to talk at 3.5. Once she started, the questions just poured out of her. It got to the point that I would cringe when I heard "Mommy, can I ask you a question?"

I wish I had written down some of the questions, too. She made my head spin. And I could never make up answers or just give quick answers. I would actually have to do research because I could not answer fully enough for her. Our family joke is "Just ask Magic Google... he knows everything!" And she is like a dog with a bone. She will not leave a topic alone until she understands it and she can regurgitate facts from discussions that we had years ago.

I want to be like her when I grow up. Even just a little bit like her.

Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it. — L.M. Montgomery