I have times where I feel this way too - it is so hard. And I am a person who isn't always good at self-editing and who tends to run on at the mouth when I am worked up!

I only have 3 or 4 friends I talk about g/t stuff with at all, but sometimes, with enough time for self-reflection, I realize that I've gone over the line of discussion to what could be considered bragging (it isn't intended that way, but I can see that it could be taken that way). And there are times when I haven't gone over that line but my friend clearly isn't interested or has their own reaction, maybe in part because of their own issues. With the recent subject acceleration, I am not talking about it to anyone, in most cases even when asked.

In either case, I try to be gentle. To myself, for not being careful about what I have said, and maybe letting pride creep in (I think it is fine to be proud of our kids, of course), and to my friend, who also has her own things to deal with.

I also don't think true friends can talk about anything. I guess I would say true friends know each other well enough that they know what to avoid, and are considerate about those issues.

Good luck, Cat