In our case at least at age 7 the elaborate scripted pretend play has significantly subsided, thank goodness! I think he gets a his dose if it through Pokemon. We no longer have to play the fishie game every time we get into the jacuzzi, or have to announce the the judges' points and commentary for every catch he makes when we're tossing a ball around. And yes, being able to play board games at an adult level also helps us to be able to interact together in a way that is very satisfying to me. Even reading books to him is getting more fun for me as I am actually interested in most of them now (except the damn Pokemon books). And he will finally accept that I am sometimes busy or just don't want to play, though he uses those moments to negotiate for more screen time or candy or whatever else he thinks to throw out there. So even considering our extreme case of the extroverts there is a glimmer of light shining through now and it does seem to be getting easier and easier. One of the more annoying things he still does is burst into the bathroom with his mouth running. Argh. Though I must admit that similar to KVMum I sometimes use the opportunity to get a few minutes alone on my iPhone, I just need to remember to lock the door.