Hmm. My DS (now 8) sounds very similar to yours. He is mostly a mathy/science guy, but he had a huge vocabulary (and we recently found out after testing that his verbals gifts are as strong as the rest. He didn't start to read until he was 5 and in Kindergarten, but he went from "not reading" to reading chapter books in about 3 weeks. I guess it just clicked, or maybe he didn't feel the need to read on his own because I never pushed reading earlier and read to him a lot - I don't know.

Anyway, he was never sensitive about not being able to read, so my first question is, do you have a read on what may be causing that sensitivity? Is there a way you can address it? Very few kids can read going into a typical kindergarten, does you DS know that?

A good teacher will understand these issues, but I suspect you will need to do some educating. Maybe find some articles on asynchronous development and speak honestly with the teacher re: your concerns. Will a school psychologist be at the meeting? I have found it almost easier to advocate for my son because he isn't above grade level all the way around (his writing and spelling are normal or maybe slightly worse compared to most 8 year old boys) so there aren't as many areas to deal with and the school is not worried about us asking for grade skips, only subject acceleration. Also, not to sound negative, but depending on where you are located, you may find your bigger issue is getting any accomodation at this stage.

Good luck and keep us posted.
