We have our first school meeting coming up and I'm hoping someone here will be able to give me some advice. DS was recently tested on the SB5 with a FSIQ at the 99.6%ile. The Pysch has recommended the school undertake testing to ascertain what parts of the curriculum DS has already mastered, with a view to arranging some type of compaction/acceleration where necessary. At this stage, I have no idea what the school will or won't do.

What I can tell you is that DS has only just started to attempt to read out loud and his writing is probably completely average for a 4yo boy. We live with this asynchrony on a daily basis, and have to find ways to work around it. For example, DS can mentally add/subtract fractions but writes the number 3 backwards; and can define photosynthesis but can't read the word 'plant' in a sentence. How will a teacher with 20 other Kindergarteners accommodate this???

I'm all for DS to be taught at his readiness level but when there's such a discrepancy, which readiness level are we really talking about? DS is already sensitive about his reading and writing (or lack thereof) which could be exacerbated were these age-appropriate skills to be treated as learning "delays". I'm starting to feel really daunted about this meeting, so if anyone can provide any ideas on how we should approach this I'd be very grateful.