Cricket this is interesting because on the main page for the DYS program is says something different than the link for qualifying criteria. Here's what is says on the main page for the DYS program:


IQ Testing*: A full written report for an individually administered IQ (intelligence) test from the Qualifying Tests and Score Guidelines. A full written report often includes the tester�s observations, tests administered, test scores, summary and explanation of findings, and recommendations.


Achievement Testing*: A score report for a talent/search college placement test from the Qualifying Tests and Score Guidelines OR a full written report for an individually administered achievement test from the Qualifying Tests and Score Guidelines. A full written report often includes the tester�s observations, tests administered, test scores, summary and explanation of findings, and recommendations.


Work Samples: A portfolio of at least three pieces of the applicant�s work that best demonstrate his/her advanced abilities in academic areas. Independent work that is completed without the assistance of teachers or parents and is 2 to 3 grade levels above age peers is preferred. Some of the most informative samples have included intellectual activities the applicant has completed just for fun and completely on their own, such as math �doodles,� creative writing, or autonomous projects. DVD/CD recordings demonstrating your child�s academic abilities may also be included. In order for the portfolio items to be viewed in the context in which they were completed, please briefly describe each item, including the applicant�s age and grade level at the time of completion, as well as the circumstances of the work (i.e. if it was completed independently or as part of a school project, how many times the work was revised, how and why the applicant completed this particular piece of work, etc.).

*Additional tests not listed on the Qualifying Tests and Score Guidelines, such as the Stanford-Binet Form L-M, may be submitted in addition to, but not in place of, the tests listed on that page.

However, if you click the link to qualification criteria it says this:

At least one of the tests submitted in a Young Scholars application must have been administered no more than two years prior to the application date. As we strive to serve the extreme of the gifted population, the following scores are considered to be MINIMUM criteria for the Davidson Young Scholars program on both IQ and achievement testing. Test reports are reviewed in the context of a full application to determine eligibility for this program. Upon review of the application, additional testing or information may be requested in order to determine the applicant�s eligibility. If you cannot access testing due to financial constraints, you may submit a portfolio of work samples in place of testing.

Hmmm, thinking about this I see this sentence as the sticking point:

As we strive to serve the extreme of the gifted population, the following scores are considered to be MINIMUM criteria for the Davidson Young Scholars program on both IQ and achievement testing.

I'm going to refer this to the moderator and see if he can clear it up.

Last edited by incogneato; 07/31/10 08:40 AM.