I have an extremely avid reader here too. I go to am@zon.com and search the books. I also look at the picks they suggest based on other books. We liked series books but they eventually get old for us and we move on to other things. We read the 39 clues a few years ago and those are old news. We read the lemony snicket (first few books... but when one wasn't quite as good, we moved on.) I have gotten several books that I thought she'd like and then she happened to start reading another book and the one I got just didn't get read etc. She often would read several books at once. Now the number of pages is getting so big, she doesn't read as many books because it takes longer. Anything less than 200 pages and it's done in what seems like half an hour. We got bigger books and now it seems more worthwhile. I love books myself, can't help it so I love that DC loves to read just as much. I have a kindle and I couldn't live without the thing! Always have a new book at my fingertips. DD likes to read on it too.

I told her I would get her one when she's a little bigger smile