This probably won't help; but we (DS5 and I) use RightStart Math. Is that what you are using? It does the Go Fish 10 game. We homeschool now. My DS is very VSL. Your description of your son being able to figure out the word probelms but doesn't seem to get the 3+1 is so much like mine. Wow, is it frustrating! My son got the Go Fish game I think only because I had a written cheat sheet next to our game initially while we were playing, until I thought that he was memorizing the combinations, then I took the sheet away. We played it as a memory game in the car, etc; but it is really making it memorization. He does not retain it unless he understands it most of the time though, unless it has been rotely practiced a lot. I think that my son needs to understand it. I have tried telling him that +1 is the next number, and several other ways. I have not tried a number line yet though. It will be my next step. We use an abacus or any tactile visual items and he is great; but just in his head, he doesn't get +1. It seems so frustrating when he seems to get so much more. Like I said, he is very VSL; and I know that it does have a lot to do with it, through my reading about VSLs. My son is 2E. I am waiting to have him tested again at age 6. I had him tested with an inexperienced-with-kids psych; although recommended by our ped. And it was a disaster; so it was not helpful. I found out what I already knew; but nothing specific. I know that something is up with mine; but I haven't figured it out yet. It may be auditory as well??? My son also has expressive language disorder; and is improving steadily...about a year or less behind now developmentally. His speech therapist works on a lot of auditory things with him; although he has not been diagnosed with APD. They cannot test until they are 6. The more that my DS can get combined in his head, the better he understands. He actually needs to learn through understanding; although he can learn songs and things like that through repetition. Mine is half way through his 1st grade curriculum in LA and Math, at about 2nd grade reading. He struggles with language and math rules, etc too. I think that it is best to just make sure that they don't see our frustration, keep things light with games that they make up, etc. Maybe they just need to think about it in lots of different ways. My son seems to learn some things in aha moments, and other things right away. It's so strange. I just wanted to let you know that I sympathize. Let me know what you try; and I will do the same. Best wishes and good luck!

Mom to DS6