Hi Sky,
Your dd sounds like my dd at that age, she's 9yo now. She doesn't have ADHD, but just finished the WISC IV and just scored average which floored me! She scored very high on the CoGat at school last year. I wanted her evaluated for behaviors at school as well. Her school doesn't have a gifted program but I wanted to know for my own piece of mind and a neuro-ped suggested that she have an IQ test so we did.
I don't totally trust the test she had because I know she's extremely smart, no academic issues in school whatsoever and came home with straight A's at the end of 3rd grade. I doubt we'll have her re-tested unless the Drs. suggest doing so. It would be a different story if we were trying to get her into a gifted program but since that's not the issue, guess we won't worry about it.
Dd always hates "timed" tests and claims that the ones she was given didn't "bother" her but who really knows? It's all conjecture at this point.