The initial concern was that gifted children were not grouped enough. There are about 20 children in DD's grade that were identified as gifted out of about 80 children total. Gifted threshold at the school is lower and based on CogAT scores (85%) although some of the kids are artistically gifted. There were four classrooms total and each had 4 to 6 "gifted kids" in the class. Of the gifted population, there are 3 children that are considered to be "high ability" learners out of the gifted population, but were separated in different classrooms. Gifted pullouts were one hour a week and each pullout consisted of two classrooms which totaled about 10 kids.

However, regular classroom desk configuration varied all year, but DD was included in a desk cluster of other gifted children for only about one six week period (similar situation for other gifted kids). There was no special grouping of the gifted kids for reading or math. In reading differential assignments were given based on reading ability, but the gifted kids of like reading abilities were never grouped together.

In my DD's situation, she was frequently sat next to low learners or problem children. Teacher said she was really good with these kids and had a very positive impact on them (and therefore this was considered to be for the "better good" of the class as a whole). On the flip side of this, sitting next to the distracting children caused a lot of stress on my DD where she could not concentrate on her work and grades dropped like a rock in one case (when she was sitting next to someone that could not sit still and constantly kicked her desk, drummed on his, or talked constantly). In addition, on projects she was grouped with lower learners and ended up with lower grades. Teacher said she was picked by the lower learner to be their partner.

Other parents have expressed some concern over the groupings, but they mostly want to see the gifted kids in a single class or want to see longer pullouts and/or special pullouts for the higher reading and math abilities.

I was looking for feedback and/or examples of optimal grouping that has worked (or maybe not) with other gifted children. If there are any other the platforms/class designs that work well, they will be passed on to my DD's school.

Thank you.