We had a new special education director come who modified all lesson plans through the art with multi-sensory learning. She let him enlarge a picture of the school mascot on the wall and paint it,for a math grade. VMI score is 148 in 99%, non-verbal is 132IQ. The school paper and 4-H people came and took pictures. The boys coach asked if he could paint mascot on huge wall in locker room, they couldn't figure out how it did it. It was breath tacking! he stood on a ladder one foot away and enlarged the design. He became imeadiately focus of positive social input from students ,teachers and community. His teach had artist apraise work. Said it was work $1,500.00. He was allowed to google how to make 3-D designs and instruct other students on how to make them. He designed a money collection jar for PTO. It collected a large amount of money at local store. PTO president said, someday we are all going to want to say we know him, he'll be famous. All the football team put money in the jar in appreciation of his painting the school mascot. He did verbal presentations of how he designed a coin, 2 levels higher than his peers. He has Behavioral Intervention Plan in IEP with positive supports. His IQ score went up.He has dyslexia,dysgraphia,ADHD,enviormentally sensitive,Irlen Syndrome,disorder of written expression,anziety... He is visual learner, photostatic memoey, does algebra in his head. He is 13yrs. old. We live in a very small town. The the good news is there are amazing teachers who make a difference in childrens lives and can change how a whole community sees all people. Since previously he was percieved in negative way. Bad news is teacher left and went to where they pay more money to do research. Quality of services radically changed! Good news is I found this board, learned to run a computer, accessed Hoagies web site and we are finding new school and considering on line gifted lessons to support his educational needs. Up till we had the amazing teacher he was not susceeding at school. School isn't open to idea of children who are 2E. I am advocating for change. One small voice can becomes a mighty roar. Don't be disheartened,20% of population is born right brain dominate,according to scientific brain based research ,read Overcomming Dyslexia. Which also mention that these children have potiential in one or more areas of functioning to be genuis. With technology children overcomes issues of processing info. If schools would only realize there are alot of children who would susceed at school if they would recognize their learning style. A+ schools recognize Howard Gardners Theory of muti-intelligence. Do school shopping. I am! You are so right about the importance of self esteme. Hoped I cheered you up. Children who are creative visual-spacial learner have gifts where they can gain suscess no matter the enviorment. I susgest you read the Gift of Dyslexia. I recently read Linda Silvermans Ph,D. website. It was a aha moment for sure.