Thanks for the support and suggestions.

DS attends a private school, which makes things more complicated. When you hit a wall with the administration, there's just no place to go. The weird thing is that I've believed forever that DS is different from his peers, but at this meeting, I really started questioning it and thinking that maybe it's just some delusion I have. Like I said, DS isn't as advanced as many here, but he's different enough that the current curriculum is just not a good fit.

Unfortunately, asking the psych to attend isn't an option here -- would take forever to make that happen. I do wonder if DYS can help at all with our efforts, but we haven't gotten had a chance to talk with them yet since our meeting.

Inky, I love the quote. Thanks for putting it there. I feel better knowing that if they use it as a reason to deny the changes, I will have a reply.

kcab, good luck with the plan for your DS7.

Well, keep your fingers crossed pleasae. We're hoping to have answers in the next week or so.