I also really dont understand extended norms, especially if one of the articles linked in this thread, says that the highest score that was received when they normed the SB 5 was 148. Where is the validity for extended norm testing? I also am skeptical of extended norm testing on both SB 5 and the WISC IV.

I think all of these tests get fuzzy at some point, IQ testing isnt an exact science. I do think, that the 160 ceiling isnt valid, yet I have no solutions. I agree with G3 that doesnt seem quite right to compare a SB 5 FSIQ with a GAI score from the WISC IV. Then again a SB 5 FSIQ score and a WISC IV FSIQ dont necessarily neatly line up too.

I do have a child that scored in the 150s for FSIQ on the SB 5. I dont know, whether that is underscore or an overestimate? At the end of the day, I have not really worried too much about that score, and instead have relied and advocated based on the achievement testing that dc did, as it seems in many ways more valid, especially as it was normed two years older than my dc was at the time and my dc hit many ceilings.

I guess going back to the original poster Flower, and I do hope all is well with you. Sounds like you have had a busy time! I think, you can only advocate with the child that you have infront of you and the needs that you see. I know families with children hitting in the 120s on the SB 5 and their children have been successfully accelerated.

Thank you as well for starting this thread.

BTW G3 what is blokus?! LOL!