Thank-you everyone for your responses. I have been a bit slow on the uptake as my husband was gone and then came back and ended up in the emergency room and emergency surgery yesterday. I haven't had the time to digest everything written here so far. Thank-you Dottie for all your wonderful input. You gave us so much more info than the tester did. She did give us a fluid reasoning sscore of 129. Tomorrow we are going to a vision therapist for my DD. An appointment we made months ago as there is only one here and he knows nothing about gifted stuff... GDC had recommended after a consultation with them earlier. They never asked for the raw scores and it was not until reading here that I learned that there were such things as raw etc. scores.... Again thank-you. I am sorry it has taken a little bit to thank-you.

I have read many of those articles that you recommeneded 3xmama. I am also glad to hear of "real" people and not just people on comparison tables with some similar experiences.

My biggest concern with the charter school at this moment, it changes daily... My daughter will be taking Geometry and will be in a 9th or 10 th grade class. She's twelve, tall and beautiful. I don't know how well I am going to take 16 year olds calling or..... if its not one thing its another....