I just want to thank you Grinity for your advice; it's priceless. I'm glad to know so many othes who deal with these situations. I have a long way to go in understanding giftedness regardless of the fact that I too was labeled as such. I never realized what it meant till just recently to be honest...it just was what it was for me I guess.

At any rate...my DD can play by herself by the way and she can do very well with others, usually older children but does very well with younger children too. I've read that gifted seem so immature and it seems she can be but I know she's bored and likes to stir the pot which presents as immature. Learning is a challenge since I think she's a perfectionist as I was so not trying is easier than trying and not doing well since the standard is set so high for ourselves. I tell her it's ok to make mistakes, it's how we learn. Sometimes she's ok with it...better than I was anyway so far which is something I suppose. :o)