
In my opinion, a mom has to learn how to say no and set boundaries. I speak from experience and I know it can be much harder with children like this because they crave the interaction and information an adult can provide, but at some point, the mom needs to show the child that she is a person with needs and boundaries and that lesson will be good for everyone. I have two that are very similar so know how challenging it can be. Oh, mine also challenge authority and talking incessantly--fortunately they are just so cute that it makes it a little easier. I have found that I just had to set boundaries and take time to breathe otherwise I was burning out. I am home full time with them and their dad was traveling a lot so it was survival to learn to pull back a little bit. It took time. One thing she can do is start an activity with the child, then walk away for a minute, then return, and as time goes on walk away for longer and longer periods. My DD who just turned four loves coloring, playdough, drawing, books, and most of all makebelieve play, there are also appropriate computer games for this age. I also find it easier doing things out of the house sometimes: parks, storytime, classes, etc. Good luck!