If I cannot find something, I ask Mr W (26 mos) where it is. Most of the time he has picked it up and played with it. Sometimes, not, but he knows where they are.

Like this weekend, I saw him with my phone. An hour later, I asked him where it was, and he showed me. Same with my keys, which he had been playing with.

Then DW was looking for her keys and he showed here where I had put them!!

A few weeks ago we were at the park. A family was looking for the dad's keys. We asked Mr W if he had seen some keys and he walked over to where they were.

Mr W can unload the dishwasher by himself. He can sweep, swiffer, and mop, too. He can load the clothes washer and move clothes to the dryer. Brings in the groceries and takes out ( drags out ) the trash. He can also cut up soft foods and will stir a pot.

Another fun thing is his singing. He can do on key or change to a gruff gutteral Johnny Cash rendition. Sometimes he will bang away on his kiddie piano and belt out a song.

Another fun thing is when he wants something and tries to use charm. He will look us in the eye, smile, ask for it, then smile bigger and wiggle his eye brows.

The darkest days were when he would not sleep through the night. We had to make several adjustments as well as just let him cry it out.