Hi Jolene

You are not alone! I am going through a similar frustration at the moment. My DS(10) was assessed by an ed psych 2 years ago, and achieved a FSIQ of 146, with his VIQ and PIQ very similar (I think 140 and 146 respectively). He is dyslexic and dysgraphic.

Anyway......at school they are preparing the children for the next stage in their school life, which involves common entrance exams, so the children are given exposure to verbal and non-verbal reasoning tests. DS had to be placed in a "supported" group because he "really struggled with these". I just threw my hands up in disgust. How can a children with a FSIQ of 146 struggle with verbal and non-verbal reasoning tests at school?

They have also done some Cognitive Ability Testing. I have asked for the results so I can compare them to his IQ result.

Very frustrating!
