I think my DD may have dysgraphia. She has always hated the physical act of writing and struggled with it. Her oral spelling is quite good but her written spelling is abysmal. She writes things like "5iften" (fifteen). If I have her verbally spell while writing she will say one thing but still write something else. It's like her hand is not connected to her brain!

Her teachers have noticed the discrepancy between her oral and written output. She can read aloud at a sixth grade level with adult sounding expression and pronunciation. She gets 100% on most spelling tests. But when she tries to write sentences/paragraphs/stories it becomes a mess of misspelled, written-over words, left out letters and words, etc. She will still reverse letters occasionally. Is this really normal for an 8 year old?

She is above grade level in all subjects except writing where she is just getting "satisfactory".

She has trouble completing writing-intensive assignments at school and has to bring them home. Last week she had to copy problems from her math book onto a separate sheet of paper and then complete the problems. It took her longer to copy them than it did to do the problems.

Any advice or experience in this area would be helpful!
