I'm not a WISC-IV expert but if DD7 answered all of the block design questions correctly that would put his block design score at 25 using the extended norms (the score varies based on age -- this is the max score for a seven year old) He would be in at least the 99.9 percentile in this area.
I knew that someone would have a better answer than I would

! So, would it be at 25 even if the questions weren't answered quickly? I thought that the block design score was a composite of correct and speed in getting them correct. One of the times dd9 was tested we were told that she didn't get any points for some of the ones she did correctly b/c it took her too long to get them put together (i.e. there was some maximum time in which to assemble the blocks). I could, of course, be wrong and time may only count for bonus points.