Yes I can agree w/ your teacher. My son got questions right that I was shocked he got right. But then the one question I was SURE he'd get right, he got wrong. He misread simile as smile. We talk about similes ALL THE TIME b/c our lang arts curriculum, MCT. we're reading Wind in the Willows and there is a simile on every page if not more. But once I said simile he instantly knew the answer but I didn't let him change his answer lol. The instructions do say you can pronounce words but can't define them but since he didn't ask me to pronounce it, I let his incorrect answer stand. My son is scoring well, I'm not certain how off the charts he is compared to the kids here. He took the grade 2-5 test but is a 1st grader (6yrs old but will be 7 next month). he scored off the chart for 1st graders, 97th% for 2nd graders, 85-86th for 3rd in reading based on the pdf posted here, official percentiles will come in June. For math, off the chart for 1st graders, 96th for 2nd, and 73-75th% for 3rd graders. He'll take language arts today.

At some point, he'll be going back to school so I like to know what the results mean and may mean for placement. I don't have IQ/achievement data on him yet. Big brother qualifies for DYS w/ WISCIV but missed achievement data by 2 points using the Explore testing as a 4th grader. He has test anxiety, timer issues.

Last edited by Dazed&Confuzed; 04/28/10 08:36 AM.