LOL Cricket, He not only gets up alone and entertains himself but I taught him to make coffee! We figured since he was the first one up he could have coffee waiting. :-) He doesn't however practice math facts or do anything other than watch tv and play his DS. I asked him this morning how he could be so quiet when he is with himself and then start talking and being silly and wild when we got up. He said he likes the quiet in the mornings and finds it relaxing.
I think we got him started on being on his own in the morning because the rule was he couldn't get up until 6:30am but then we worked a deal where he could get up whenever he wanted if he was quiet enough not to wake everyone. He tends to be up between 5:30 and 6 everyday. What would happen if you do not go downstairs with your DS but made a similar deal?
Ok, when did you start that and can you teach my toddler to do the same?
I should say that I did this as a child too (just the waking up early and watching TV, not making coffee...) and I don't think I have ADHD, although I'm very easily distractable when I don't want to do something (but who isn't?).
Some days my husband still does this and talks my ear off once I finally get up. I think it's more that even though he likes the calm he also misses having someone around to talk to (and he gets more energy from having that downtime first).