I don't know the answer to your question. My understanding was that it went up to highschool. I know I've seen on this board elementary aged kids scoring high school level. My 4th grader will be taking it next week. I put grade 2-5 to distinguish the test he took from the K-1 test since he's a 1st grader. But the center I tested through, didn't offer the K-1 test since you have to read to the student. My son is a fluent reader so I felt he'd be fine w/ the grade 2-5 test. I was surprised as to how verbal the math portion is! I'm still not sure what to make of this test. There were a couple of words he didn't know and you can't define them. But as for as OUR public school, I'd place him in 3rd grade for math and from the score, he did better than 97% of 3rd graders but I think this test is a grade level above what kids do here. There is absolutely NO comparison between this test and our state test. there was a term or two on there that I don't think my 4th grader will know but I wasn't able to give any definitions, only to pronounce the word.


Last edited by Dazed&Confuzed; 04/26/10 10:57 AM.