Hi there- anyone else have a really social/extroverted 2.5 yo? My son's imagination and cooperative pretend play has exploded, which is too cool and fun to watch, BUT he is constantly looking for me to play 1:1 with him.

I enjoy it and relish our time together, but sometimes I DO have to do housework, cook, etc etc. Where is this gifted trait of long attention span and independent play???

my LO has always been superinteractive and incessantly wanting adult attention. He'll pretend/role play with me for hours- so good, long attention span, but not if left to his own devices... if that makes sense? His language skills are amazing- he'll carryon complex imaginary games and incorporate characters from movies and improvise, etc etc. Yesterday we were pretending to be the Beatles in the Yellow Submarine navigating the Sea of Monsters and making nice hot cups of coffee for everyone. DH is a huge BEatles' fan/musician, so our son is OBSESSED over the Yellow Submarine movie...

I'm starting to realize that other kids his age just don't have the play skills he is seeking- and we are rural and don't have access to a lot of older kids...
any ideas for encouraging more independent play?
Anyone else have a child that prefers to play with you?