Our DS 7 has tics, kind of scary for us a parents. They seem to come and go, and may be stress related. Change in enviroment may be one trigger for them. He had an eye rolling one, that progresivly became worse then faded away. Next came lip moving, still kind of their but now not very often. We did see a ped neirologist. (Tics where not showing much that week) He stated it was just tics and thier was nothing they could do. Most out grow it. Not easy for us as parents to hear, especially because these where facial tics and may make him stand out in school. To our surprise school hardley noticed. We still are expecting some new ones to develop in the future. I also noticed that both tics seemed to start with an OCD type of behavior. The eye rolling came about because of his hair getting in his eyes. Even after the hair cut the behavior continued. The lip moving, after chapped lips. And even some head rolling a few yeras back with, long hair again. I am not sure if any of this helps, the good news is that it did slow down and somewhat go away over time. I hope this helps. His typical time frame for a tic was about 2 months.
Last edited by Edwin; 04/07/10 09:45 AM.