Our gifted co-ordinator said something which piqued my interest. She said that extroverts are rare among the PG crowd. I don't think she meant it in a positive light (!), like, the social focus may take away from his intensity to learn. It has absolutely no bearing on how delightful my son is of course (this coming from the mother wink ). But I'm curious about how other PG kids are out there.

DS7 is leaning towards being an extrovert. He's very sociable, except that he can't seem to find friends in school. He's got 2 categories of friends - "physical activity" friends whom he enjoys running around with, and "talking friends" whom he says he can find some topic of interest, and they're usually older. School friends (same age) don't fall into either category because he can't find anything to say to them, and there's not much time to play in school. He's also very firm in his opinions; DH and I can change it around the edges, but generally when he's made up his mind about something, he stands firm. I guess it makes sense to do a Briggs Myers at some point, just for the fun of it.

How are the personalities of your kids like?