Hi all -
Random question:
Why would the suggested age for these flashcards be age 8 and up*? Fractions Flash Cards (Brighter Child Flash Cards) from Amazon.
I bought these cards for my dsnearly6 since I thought he might enjoy them. So far, we mainly do fractions at home by cutting up food and talking about it.
Usually the manufact's suggested age ranges for toys, books etc. are pretty accurate for ND.
Am I missing something? Or maybe I am asking the wrong question.
Why does traditional education wait so long to introduce fractions? As Maria Montessori figured out, kids (ND) can recognize and start learning about fractions as early as 2.5 to 3. Even if they can't keep track of numerators and denominators or perform operations with fractions they can learn 1/2, 1/3, 1/4...
What am I missing here?
*publisher says grade 3-5
http://www.carsondellosa.com/cd2/Products/CarsonDellosa/PID-0769677339.aspxAmazon says age 9-12
box says 8+