This is a spin-off from Bronxmom's thread where she commented on how hard it is when he already knows everything she introduces. I've been thinking along these lines as well. This year has turned into quite a skills year - lots of writing, grammar, spelling etc. I think DS needed it and his writing has really blossomed. But I feel I haven't succeeded in my goals for him in science and history. This is our 2nd year HSing and my 1st year HSing my 1st grader. I also have a 3yr old. It has been a challenging year trying to meet everyone's needs.

I combined the boys in chemistry but it hasn't been particularly challenging for DS9 except for having to write down definitions and summaries. I plan to add in McHenry's Elements to add in a bit of challenge for him. We got derailed in history due to changing my mind about the direction and whether to combine the two. He is being challenged in history by taking a course on Ancient India taught by an archaeologist.

DS did pretty well in reading on the Explore and I know I need to challenge him more in that area which will mainly be in history and science. It's hard to find the time to pre-read so we can have discussions at his level. Last summer I was so burned out, I needed a break and was in complete denial about adding DS6 to the mix. DS9 was soooo difficult last year after his horrible PS experience. This summer, I need to do as many do on the WTM boards and pre-read the books in the summer .... at least a quarter ahead.

lost my train of thought.....