a math score of 18 is for 24/25 right out of 30, so it sounds like she really did nail the ones she got to.
My goodness Dottie--you are an amazing wealth of information! So now I'm curious about the other subtests....Do you know how many correct answers would lead to a 17 in science or to a 19 in english? My interpretation of what she knows/is able to do is, I think, a little bit different depending on whether she is getting answers wrong, or if her score mostly reflects her speed. Obviously I have no way of knowing whether she would have correctly answered questions she never even got to read, but if what she did do for science/english was accurate that's a little different than not finishing the subtests AND not knowing the ones she got to. KWIM? Not sure what we're going to do about the time issue with her--it seems like everything takes her 30x longer than it needs to take (Seriously. This is kid who will forget that she's on the way out the door--already late--and will sit down with a book or a drawing pad somewhere on her way to fetch her coat

To everyone else who's been posting: congrats on all the amazing scores. It's a good perspective check for me to see what "WOW!" can really look like

(we're more in the wow school of GT than the WOW school of GT

). You all have some pretty amazing kiddos!