You are right. I do remember the 8 and 15.

I only remember block design because she pointed it out as a likely reason for his "reading ability." She also pointed out the 8, which was probably "inaccurate" due to his age.

Well, I guess this means that I'm back in wait mode. I wish I knew about the correlations for the two tests.

The one he was supposed to take is for kids 2-6.3 and the one he took is for ages 6-17. He is 5.7. With him being "close" to the cutoff, I wonder what difference it will make.

Should I take his achievement scores to the school (at least I know that they are accurate) to see if the school will do anything for him? In Kindy, they won't teach past the end of 1st grade level. So, he has been stuck in a reading group that he deems "easy" all year. My concern isn't as much for this year as next year.

It could end up taking months to go through all this again. Should I move forward with the school or wait. I feel lost. Does he need accommodation or am I just a biased mom?

The school pushes back saying his writing needs work so they will just keep working on his writing.