Thanks for the question and the links to the previous threads. Not that I have been pondering this much but the topic comes up with my DD3 who clearly understands she is different than her friends at school. She sometimes focuses on it and talks about how she is different and the other kids don't want to play with her. I have talked to her teacher and confirmed my suspensions that the other kids are playing with her but DD has such empathy that she is super sensitive when a child gets mad at her. I haven't talked about gifted with her as of yet and really don't plan to right now. If we do test her we might need to explain some of it to her but right now ... testing isn't even something on the horizon. We don't plan to put her in public school but rather stay with her Spanish Immersion school through 5th grade. Of course, this is if DD is still doing well in that environment. Crossing my fingers that they keep her motivated and will stick to their promise that they have no problem moving her up if she needs to be.