We got our NUMATS January Explore results for our 4th grade twins today, too. Dd has always been more "out there" than ds, so the differences aren't too surprising.
Composite 23
English 20
Math 22
Reading 23
Science 25
Composite 20
English 22
Math 19
Reading 14
Science 23
Okay, so now that we know that our 4th grade dd is in the 99th percentile for 8th graders, any advice on what to do about it?
... Our original motivation in doing Explore was ammunition when the school starts deciding next year who goes in the advanced math classes in middle school. This is a tracking system where if you don't get into the advanced class from the get-go, you are stuck in a lower track through high school. I was afraid they wouldn't put her in the advanced math because she has a habit of saying she doesn't like math (while ds thinks he is a math genius!). So we have a solid math score for her now, but I'd also welcome other ideas on how to support her from those of you with more experience.